Oil Paints
Marie's Oil Colour 12ml- 12...
R246.00 R273.00- 12 UNIQUE COLORS, 12ML TUBES- Colors included are Zinc Titanium, Lemon Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Vermilion, Scarlet, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Emerald Green, Viridian, Ultramarine, Phthalo Blue, Black. Perfect painting landscapes and treasured moments!
Maries Oil Paint- Titanium...
R160.00Marie’s oil paint is the perfect choice for students and beginners. Marie’s Oil Colours are a mixture of the most permanent pigments and the best refined vegetable oil, which are mixed and ground into smooth paste. All Maries Paints are packaged in non-leaded, non-toxic aluminium tubes.
Sinoart Colour Mixing Wheel
R85.00The Perfect Color Mixing Tools
Color Wheels are tools that teach color relationships by organizing colors in a circle so you can visualize how they relate to each other.
Features: Primary Color Mixtures, Tints and Tones, Complementary Harmonies, Warm and Cool Colors, Gray Scale, Personal Palette Color Harmonies Terms and Definitions
- 5 1/8'' diameter. (13cm)
Winsor & Newton Cotman...
R114.00Chinese White is a zinc based opaque white. Winsor & Newton were the first to sell Chinese White in England in 1834. It was named after the popular Chinese porcelain imported at the time.
Winsor & Newton Winton Oil...
R145.00Ivory black is a stable all-round black colour with brown undertones and excellent tinting powers. Its name stems from the traditional method for obtaining it: roasting elephant tusks.
Winsor & Newton Winton Oil...
R145.00Payne's Gray is a dark blue grey made from a mixture of Ultramarine, Mars Black and sometimes Crimson. It was named after the 18th c. water-colourist William Payne who created the mixture and often recommended it to his students as an alternative to plain black.
Winsor & Newton Winton Oil...
R145.00A rich dark brown pigment, Burnt Umber is made from natural brown clays found in earth. It was named after Umbria, a region in Italy where it was mined. Burning the raw pigment intensifies its colour.
Winsor & Newton Winton Oil...
R145.00Burnt Sienna is a rich brown pigment made by burning Raw Sienna. Named after Siena in Italy, where the pigment was sourced during the Renaissance, it is a transparent pigment with red-brown tones.
Winsor & Newton Winton Oil...
R145.00Yellow Ochre is a warm yellow colour. Originally made from natural iron oxides found in earth, it is one of the oldest pigments used by mankind. A synthetic version became available in the 1920s.
Winsor & Newton Winton Oil...
R145.00Sap Green is a bright mid-range green with a yellow undertone. Originally Sap Green was a lake pigment made from unripe Buckthorn berries.
Winsor & Newton Winton Oil...
R145.00French Ultramarine is a rich transparent blue. It was created by French chemist Guimet in 1828 as a synthetic but chemically identical alternative to the expensive pigment derived from Lapis Lazuli.
Winsor & Newton Winton Oil...
R145.00Cobalt Blue Hue is a clean blue pigment closely resembling Cobalt Blue. Genuine Cobalt was discovered in 1802 by French chemist Thénard as an alternative pigment to the expensive Lapis Lazuli blue.
Winsor & Newton Winton Oil...
R145.00Cerulean Blue Hue is a bright blue pigment with green undertones. It is a careful combination of pigments closely resembling genuine Cerulean Blue.
Winsor & Newton Winton Oil...
R145.00Highly transparent with a blue undertone, Permanent Alizarin Crimson is a vivid red colour. Introduced in 1994, it has been formulatedas a highly permanent red pigment.
Winsor & Newton Winton Oil...
R145.00A warm, opaque colour, Pale Rose Blush is a carefully selected combination of pigments that resembles a blush tone and is suitable as base for many rose-beige blends.
Winsor & Newton Winton Oil...
R145.00Cadmium Orange Hue is composed of several pigments closely resembling genuine Cadmium Orange. It is a versatile bright mid-range orange colour.