Chinese Sumi Ink Black 250ml
Chinese Sumi Ink Black 250ml
Black in colour liquid sumi ink for traditional Chinese and Japanese calligraphy and brush painting.
250ml Bottle.
Because the bottle is narrow, if you're using a dip pen we recommend to use an ink jar which you can decant the amount of ink you wish to use.
Sumi ink is permanent it's very likely that anything your write or draw with the ink will be able to last you for decades without issue.
Sumi Ink does not have archival ink qualities and can start to fade in certain conditions. If you do need an ink that is archival quality then it is definitely a better option to just go with a high-quality archival ink that will stand the test of time and preserve your work.
Sumi ink is not lightfast and it will definitely start to fade in as little as only a year under certain lighting conditions. If you do require a lightfast ink that will be able to be displayed in gallery conditions with minimal issues then opting to go with a high-quality lightfast ink from the very start will be better than going with Sumi ink.