Lyra Rembrandt Carbon Pencil H
Lyra Rembrandt Carbon Pencil H
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Lyra Rembrandt Carbon pencils is the charcoal pencil for any artist. The Lyra Rembrandt Carbon Pencil has a perfectly combined core of charcoal and graphite. The extremely fine-grained core means a smooth, clean laydown. The work can be smeared with fingers or paper stumps. The Lyra Rembrandt Carbon Extra Dark Pencil has a higher concentration of charcoal than the normal Lyra Rembrandt Carbon Pencil. They are ideal for those artist looking for deep, matt black lines. For softer grades, the use of a fixative is recommended but not essential.
Product features:
- Combined core of charcoal and graphite.
- Carbon Extra Dark has higher concentrations of charcoal.
- Carbon pencils are available in the following grades: 3B, 2B, B, HB, H
- Extra Dark Carbon are available in the following grades: : 2B, HB, H.
- Format: Single pencil.